Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are we snow magnets?

"Who said that there is less snow in Virginia?" I asked a German postdoc in the lab several days ago when this year's first winter storm made its strike.

"Actually, there were only a one day light snow last winter," he said.

Yesterday I received a phone call from my boss, who traveled back to MA last week just before the winter storm. "Are you guys OK? There was almost no snow in MA. You and Yaling brought all the snow with you when moving down to VA," he joked. What I can say? Maybe we are really snow magnets.

Today, we are hit by another snowstorm. Or I should say a blizzard. The amount of snow was much less than last one; however, the wind was much much stronger, which blew snow into the air, reducing the visibility, make the driving condition even worse. I guess you can also feel it by looking at the photo above: wind blew lots of snow onto our window; the snow was slightly melted by the heat coming form our living room and formed a thin ice on the window.

I have no choice but stayed at home whole day. Hope this was the final snowstorm this winter.


  1. 不是賺了幾天的風雪假嗎 只是不知有沒有準備存糧 趁此可大吃一番 對了相對的整天使用暖氣荷包也失血不少吧 台灣的天氣也有些神經病 這兩天還高達33度 氣象報告還說要預防中暑 南部嚴重缺水希望你們兩位風雪超級大磁鐵 能及時回台看可不可以帶來豐沛雨量 解決缺水危機

  2. 台灣的水不是主要來自梅雨和颱風嗎?現在說缺水還太早吧。
