Sunday, June 13, 2010

Where is my refund?




我們的稅單是同時寄出的,依過去的經驗,應該會同時收到退稅才對。心想不對,就到麻州 Department of Revenue 的網頁查詢,發現有個地方可以查自己的 refund status (紙本報稅或網路報稅的結果都可以查得到,還蠻方便的)。可是查詢雅玲的結果是 "tax refund has been issued",我的卻是:

We are unable to process this transaction through our automated system. Please contact our Customer Service Bureau at (617) 887-6367 or toll free at 1-800-392-6089 during normal business hours to speak to a Customer Service Representative regarding the status of your request.


沒在台灣打過服務電話,所以不知情況如何,但在美國,通常都要等很久。一直放音樂或廣告給你聽,然後三不五時跟你說一句 "all of our representatives are currently busy, please wait..."。這對使用 prepaid cellphone 的我來說,實在是很傷,還沒講到話,往往就花掉我二、三十分鐘的電話費,而且這段時間又不能專心做別的事,又不甘願把已經等了很久電話掛掉,只能空等。還好現在實驗室每個人有自己的電話,雖然還是要等很久,至少不用浪費自己的電話費。

這支服務電話的內容跟以前打的差不多,先是自動語音,要你輸入 social security number 和預期收到的退稅金額後,就進入了無止盡的等待。不知過了多久,拿著話筒的手都痠了,電話才終於被接起,是個講話有點黏又帶點沙啞的老先生。以下是簡易版的對話內容:

Old man: "Thank you for calling Department of Revenue, may I help you?"

Me: "Yes, I would like to check my refund status."

Old man: "What's your social security number?"


Old man: "This number is hard to not remember, isn't it. Ha ha!" (我的 SSN 號碼很簡單,常常有人以為我是騙他的。)

Old man: "Let me see... Mr. Lin? Let me check if there is anything wrong with your return..."

Old man: "You filed as both part-year resident and non-resident. That's correct." (因為我去年只在麻州住了半年,所以不能以 resident 的身分報稅。)

Old man: "Rental credit... let me see... what's your monthly rental when you were in Massachusetts?" (在麻州,房租是可以抵稅的。)

Me: "It's $965 per month, but I lived with a roommate, so would be $483."

Old man: "$483, bla bla bla... (一堆數字的計算). Everything looks right! At least no major error here. I don't know why the machine didn't take it. Maybe this paper doesn't taste good..." (好笑。不過至少我知道所有的報稅單會先經過機器的處理,如果機器不收的話,才會交由人工處理。長見識了。)

Me: "Then what should I do now? Will I still get my refund?"

Old man: "You did a great job! There is nothing wrong with your tax return!" (當天這句話他說了好幾次,我猜應該蠻多人都亂報的吧,畢竟稅單實在有點複雜)

Old man: "We need more time to take care of this by hand. Wait for another two to three weeks, and you should receive your refund, or a letter if something need to be clarified. If you don't receive anything after three weeks, call this number again. Then we can put a notice on your return to have someone deal with it specifically."

Me: "Ok, sounds good, thank you very much. bye"



1 comment :

  1. 這也是一次難得的經驗 當然會話也要夠強才行
